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Master Personal Trainers Program


PFTA-Austin Certified Personal Trainer | PFTA-Austin Sports Nutrition Specialist | NCSF Personal Trainer Certification   NCSF Nutrition Certification | NCSF Strength Coach

We are excited to announce our brand new Master Personal Trainers Program coming in June of 2020. This program includes 3 NCSF National Certification classes and 2 PFTA-Austin Certifications. This program is the perfect package to get you started on your fitness career. 

The Program Includes:

  • NCSF Personal Training Certification Class and Test Voucher

  • NCSF Sports Nutrition Specialist Class and Test Voucher

  • NCSF Certified Strength Coach Class and Test Voucher 

  • PFTA-Austin Personal Training Certification

  • PFTA-Austin Nutrition Certification

  • All NCSF Required Text Books 

  • Online Portals for all 3 NCSF Certifications

  • 30+ Hours of Hands on Training in a Local Gym

  • 3 Month Membership to Gym One

  • CPR Certification 

  • Calipers 

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