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PFTA-Austin Certified Personal Trainer

PFTA-Austin Sports Nutrition Specialist
NASM Personal Trainer Certification

(We are offering NASM National Virtual Trainer Certification as a bonus add on as well)

PFTA-Austin Certified Personal Trainer

PFTA-Austin Sports Nutrition Specialist

NASM Personal Trainer Certification

NASM Nutrition Certification 

  (We are offering NASM National Virtual Trainer Certification as a bonus add on as well)  

PFTA-Austin Certified Personal Trainer

PFTA-Austin Sports Nutrition Specialist

NASM Personal Trainer Certification

  NASM Nutrition Certification  




NASM National Test Voucher

PFTA-Austin Nutrition Certification

3-5 Week Course

NASM Online Portal

NASM Textbook and Lab Manual

NASM National Test Voucher

3-5 Week Course 

Hands on Training in a Gym

NASM Online Portal

NASM Text Book and Lab Manual

 PFTA Personal Trainer Academy- Austin prides itself on educating  students who are trying to get into the fitness industry as well as trainers that have been in the industry for years. We have directly partnered with NCSF to create a program that helps trainers understand the information so you are able to implement your knowledge directly into your training right away. Our goal is to send educated and confident trainers into the industry. Since taking over in 2018 all of our students that have gone on to take their NCSF national certification test have scored over 85% or Better on the test the first time for their national certification. We also include 30-35 hours of hands on training in a local gym so you feel comfortable in taking on clients and creating workouts right away. 

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